The THREE Days & THREE Nights
Review of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of The Messiah
Good Friday - Sunrise Service/ “Easter” -- ????
Open Your Eyes & Hearts...
All Scripture!
Before we Begin! Realize that all Scripture was not written down on paper/scroll at the same time, even though they might be talking about the same events from their personal accounts of the Gospel.
Scholars say that The Apostle Matthew wrote his Gospel around c. A.D. 50.
Whereas, Luke and Mark wrote theirs around c. A.D. 60, and c. A.D. 68.
Now Let’s Begin!
John 11:9 - The Messiah quotes the hours in the day. (12 hours during the day - lighted)
Genesis 1:5 - Gives the full Day Layout. (Also Mark 13:35; evening, midnight, cockcrow/around dawn, Morning/day).
* (Genesis 1 to Exodus 12:1 - one Calendar; from Exodus 12:2 to Revelation; GOD’s Chosen people followed another/new Calendar).
Matthew 12:39-40 - The Messiah speaks about a sign at the request of the Scribes / Pharisees. (Sign of Jonah - 3Days/3Nights)
Let's Talk about a "Special" / Important (Annual) Day/Time period:
Matthew 26:2 - (“the feast of” was added; note the end of the verse: "the Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified.")
Mark 14:1-2 (“the feast of” added; note: ... "put him to death", "but not on the feast," (Spoken about here Exodus 12:6).
Luke 22:1-2 (Two Instructions merged - Passover Dinner & Feast of Unleavened Bread - 1st Month (14th - 21st) - Exodus 12:18).
- vs. 6 (Judas, sought opportunity to betray Him in the absence of the multitude). That/It did happen at Gethsemane/Mt. of Olives.
Why was this day (Day After Passover) so important?
Let's look up some important verses!
For This Sabbath, was not the 7th Day Sabbath
(It was the First of Two (2) Sabbaths, during those important 3Days/3Nights!)
We Have to ERASE The Mistake, so commonly taught; that there was only One (1) Sabbath during that time period.
John 19:29-31 (vs. 31 - for that Sabbath day was an high day (15th)/Special Sabbath - Holy Convocation - NO Servile WORK!)
"The Old Testament shows the New Testament Concealed."
"The New Testament shows the Old Testament Revealed."
The Lamb of GOD! “Slain for a Cause!”
Take note: Isaiah 53:7, John 1:29 (36), 1 Peter 1:18 (19), The Acts 2:23 (24), Revelation 5:6-9 (13)
Leviticus 23:5 (Passover being the 14th day of the Month). Numbers 9:1-5, 28:16 (The next day "15th" was a High Sabbath!)
1 Corinthians 5:7-8 (...“Christ" [Messiah] our Passover, is sacrificed for us. vs. 8 - Therefore, let us keep the feast, ...)
Exodus 12:5,6 (Your lamb shall be without blemish) keep - until the 14th day of the month (before it is killed).
*** The Messiah was without blemish! He was also Crucified/gave up the Ghost on the 14th of the Month around 2pm-3pm ***
Look up these verses!
- The Acts 10:40
- Mark 10:33-(34)
- Luke 18:33; and Luke 24:7
- Matthew 20:19; and Matthew 17:23
*** What do they all say? Yes, that He will be/was raised the 3rd Day! (No Mistake on that one, right!)
But now, the question that comes into play; is what was the Third Day?
Trying to get the answer is a little more involved than most think!
1. The only way to find that out, is to either look at a Calendar from the year that the Messiah was Crucified.
- (Keep in mind, that there are many opinions on the Calendars that have been used over the course of time).
* Earlier, we saw in (Exodus 12:2); the Children of Israel were told to start fresh (New Year), and that was not at January!!!
It was/is around March/April (A month in the Hebrew - called Abib, or Nisan). That was the New Year then! (and should be now)
GOD's Word has stayed the same; but - Man, Scripture and Calendars have changed much over the years!!!
* Not sure? Even the Days of the week; GOD/The Bible Named them, Man changed them (dealing with other god's/planets/etc.)
Another example: The word "Easter" really comes from a Fertility goddess named "Ishtar", etc., that's why eggs are involved!
Moving on... :-) ----> I won't go deep on those - (this outline!) So, one can use the method above...(by man)
2. One can look at Prophecy (in which the "Messiah" came to fulfill). Below, is one such Prophecy that can shed some light on things.
Daniel 9:25-(27) (Here is a Prophesy about the Specific Day The Messiah, Yahushua/Yeshua (“Jesus”) Died; causing the sacrifice and the oblation to cease! What part of the week did it happen? "Midst" of the week! (Halfway, or Middle of the week!)
What is the Middle of the week? When the week starts with 1st Day ("Sun-day"). You can use your fingers for this one! :-)
* Do the Day lay out… Map the days out! See the Chart below! But remember to read below the chart for Valued Information!!!
Exodus 12:3-6 (Lamb Chosen by the people = 10th / Passover = 14th of the month).
- If the 14th of the month is the middle of the week when The Messiah - (Our Passover) is Crucified - Then it can open our eyes to a couple of things!
A Side Note:
- Think on this! Backtrack to the 10th of the month, when The Lamb (without blemish) is chosen for Passover.
- It just could be referenced to around the same time frame that The Messiah rides in on the colt; when the people cry “Hosanna ... : Blessed is He who cometh in the Name of The LORD” (YHWH)
*** Purpose! They knew He dealt with Salvation! ***
*** "Hosanna" - means "oh Save!" It was Cried out with adoration!
- Staying with this thought:
The Lamb chosen/killed, dealt with Passover of "The LORD" YHWH (Saving from Death & releasing/Separating HIS People from the one who had power over them - Pharaoh/Egypt), and The Messiah was killed pertaining to Passover also; Saving, releasing and Separating HIS People from Spiritual Death, and the one who had power over Death, that is the Devil. (1 John 3:8 / Hebrews 2:14)
- Around the time that most call, "just before Friday evening", [Mark 11:10-11] (is actually just before the beginning of the next day, according to the Bible - Sundown to Sundown). He leaves to Bethany (for the night), then The Messiah enters Jerusalem during the part we call day (Mark 11:12-15), which would be also what we call "Satur-day". During this day; Guess what? That time frame dealt with the Sabbath (7th day of the week, the 10th day of that month). It is the same day the scribes and chief priest sought how they might destroy Him (vs. 18) [which was attempted, and carried out on Passover/The Lamb without Blemish was killed on the 14th] — This 10th Day, is also the day that He goes into the temple and drives those that sold and bought - out of the temple. Make sense now? Not only was it to be a house of Prayer... But the Sabbath, was sanctified / made Holy by His Father! I can understand now, why The Messiah was so mad! Either way, The Sabbath holds significant value... He (The Messiah) didn't forget about it, do we? (Isaiah 56:1-7)
*** People/merchants also came to Jerusalem for the wrong purpose, to sell merchandise for the Annual Feast celebration.
*** People came from all over; "Money-Changers" can deal with exact amounts, but can also exchange to the local currency.
*** Let a Mega Fest come to town, and you will find people also coming to town to profit from the event:
-- Selling T-shirts, underground/bootleg copies of stuff, scalped tickets, etc., -- Primary Goal: to make money!
Back on Track: Passover = 14th of the month (Middle of the week= 4th Day), Feast of Unleavened Bread=15th (High Sabbath).
- We know, (The Messiah) was raised 3 Days later/The 3rd Day would be the Regular Sabbath/7th Day of the week), It brings us to:
Leviticus 23:9-12 (first fruits/“He Lamb” without blemish. -- Offered the day after the Sabbath to "The LORD" (YHWH).
John 20:16-17 (Day after the Sabbath) - First Fruits of the dead - Yahushua/Yahshua “Jesus” (presented to GOD His Father).
Revelations 5:1-6 (resurrected Yahushua/Yahshua/”Jesus”) - Slain Lamb, our Redeemer (vs. 9)
Ezekiel 44:1-3 (many believe that this gate symbolizes the grave, and the Prince symbolizes the Son of GOD)
Ezekiel 46:1 (Sabbath) - The gate shall be opened on the Sabbath! This could be reflective of Resurrection!!!
Here is something else to think about:
Genesis 1:11-13 (King James version reads - The tree yielding fruit (having seed in itself) after “his” kind, Third Day!)
- Coincidence, maybe? But it’s interesting, that the seed has to die - (Death), and drop into the ground - (burial) to bring forth life -
(Resurrection), and after this verse (or the next day), there is another separation (Dividing the light from the darkness). (vs. 16-18). Life by the Son of GOD, creates separation from non-believers (1 John 1:5-7). No-one comes to the Father, but by the Son (and what he did) - For those that would believe and receive it - Then it is for us to strive to do The Father's will!
Here is something else that one might not know...
**** The Word "Sabbath" and The Word "week" in the following verse ARE THE SAME WORD!
- ALSO, In The Bible: Any Word that is slanted (Italicized) was not there in the original Scriptures!
--- Food for Thought! ---
Matthew 28:1 (The word “day” was added!) The word “week”, in the Greek is “Sabbaton” and actually deals with the Sabbath, or (interval from Sabbath to Sabbath). But they are the exact "same word in both cases!"
**** This verse could have much stronger meaning, when one knows the significance the Sabbatons play -- before Pentecost!
**** Again, The Word "Sabbath" and the word "Week" here are the Exact same word!!!
Mark 16:2 (the word “day” is added!) - The word “week” here, is “Sabbaton” - (The word "Sabbath" = "Sabbaton")
Luke 24:1,6-7 (the word “day” is added!) - The word “week” here, is “Sabbaton” - (The word Sabbath = Sabbaton")
John 20:1 (the word “day” is added!) - The word “week” here, is “Sabbaton” - (The word "Sabbath" = "Sabbaton")
Leviticus 23:15-17 (This is dealing with Pentecost!) After the He Lamb (without blemish is offered - which is the day after the Sabbath),Seven consecutive "Sabbatons" / Sabbaths, are to pass! (7 x 7 = 49 + 1 = 50 = Pentecost!)
* The Exact amount of time between the resurrection of the Messiah, and the formation of the Church at Pentecost!
Coincidence, maybe? You be the judge in how you read the Scripture. {I would ask The Holy Spirit to help though!}
So, here we have it: The Messiah rides in just before the Sabbath, [then comes back on The Sabbath], (4) days later He becomes Our Passover, (3) Days later He is Risen towards the end of the Normal 7th Day Sabbath, and then the next day after the Sabbath, He is offered to His/Our Father in Heaven, for what we regard as the First Fruits of the Dead, and then Seven Sabbaths - plus the one Day later (just like the Sheave offering/First Fruits offering to The Father in (Leviticus 23:9-16) we get Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit is given abroad to those that followed after Him (And His Church begins).
Now, all we have to do (after we are born again, is Trust, Love, and Obey..., then endure until the end!)
Review... Pray, and Seek Truth!!! By The Holy Spirit!!!
John 8:31-32Continue in His Word (to be His disciple!) Then, Comes the part about knowing the "Truth" - to set you free!
Be Blessed!!!!
From the Heart!
Bro. Ron Quarterman
1(800) 295 - 0364
(678) 274 - 1006