Specific Chat Times to be Announced Soon!
Ask & Share with Bro. Ron / Others!
Chat Room is "Open" at all times!
The Purpose of this particular page is solely for Edifying Fellowship and Growth!
Now - Why Ask Bro. Ron?
One might be asking:
Who is Bro. Ron?
First it should be known:
"Before anyone asks anything; that it is ALWAYS better in any matter/situation to start by asking GOD (Elohiym, YHWH),
for The Answers!
And Bro. Ron (or anyone else alone here), by no means - is GOD!" :-)
Bro. Ron also doesn't know everything that there is to know (No one does! So Let's Help One Another, OK!)
With that said, it is probably good at this point to make an introduction/get to know Bro. Ron Quarterman a little better.
I (Bro. Ron Quarterman) am just a guy (like many) who takes my Relationship (And Walk) with The MOST HIGH to be the Most important thing that I (or Anyone else for that matter) can do in life! I am also a guy (like many) who Studies/Researches The Scriptures as an essential part of my life's walk. I know that I am Nothing without HIM, therefore I rely on HIS/The Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Qodesh), for guidance, and because of that fact, most would say that I tend to be Outside the mainstream box!
But didn't Our Heavenly Father say that HIS people would be a Peculiar People! ;-)
(Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 14:2, 26:18, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:9)
In a Nutshell, Even though I have been Ordained by man; I don't believe it is all about that! It is the Ordaination of The MOST HIGH, and an Opportunity to Serve HIM (making a difference unto mankind, and an impact for Righteousness' sake), that is an important factor to me! For those that don't know me yet; The Most Important thing that should be known, is that I have surrendered my life to My/Our Heavenly Father, and that I Strive to do HIS Will out of the Love and Reverence that I have for HIM, and the love that I have for HIS people! Many know the Good Seed(s) that have been planted throughout the years! And some know of the fruit that has already shown evidence of righteous growth (regarding People, their lives, and their progress); Some know both (what has been planted & produced over the years); but I do not strive to wave a flag and say look at me! For I believe that I am just doing what I have been called to do; Really, what we all have been called to do (in Sharing HIS Love and HIS Light). As I learn certain things (regarding what Appears to be Truth), I have NO Shame in sharing those things!
I, Infact strive to share them (the things of Truth) to those willing to learn (for Edification & possitive results!)
-- This being done - Out of Our Heavenly Father's Love that dwells within! Wouldn't it be a blessing, if we all did that! --
This pretty much sums things up pertaining to me: HIS Spirit Dwells within me, and I have a heart felt passion to use what HE has given me! (Basically, to let HIS Light shine in Righteousness through me, for the Good of Mankind!)
ALL unto To HIS Glory!
I Believe that we are to Help One Another!
If you have Information that can Help me grow; Then with HIS Love, Help me! (It's Simple!)
It is with this same thought, that if you need Help or Have Questions; Ask, and I will strive to Help with all that is in me;
(Which stems from "HIS" Love & "HIS" Spirit - that Dwells within).
Let's Work Together, And Help One Another! :-)
This is The Purpose of This Site & Page!
Just Maybe, we can get the members of His Body working a little bit better - together for the common goal!
I am striving to do my part! Are you doing the Same?