The Scriptures say for us to do in Secret, and be rewarded Openly. (Matthew 6:2-4)
Thousands of People know in Private - what I have been led to do for them In Secret all these year - for HIS Kingdom's Sake! I do not strive to sound a horn or a trumpet to my past deeds, nor shall I strive to sound one for my future deeds - hopefully!
* Deeds that we should be doing anyway (when able) for HIS Glory.
Our Heavenly Father Knows Our Heart! And This Should Be Enough for US!
(It is enough for me!)
I Post the Below, only for those that do not personally know me, to know my Heart! Even as I type this, I am somewhat ashamed. It is not my intent to brag or puff myself up before men. For I am yet only a humble Servant of The Most High GOD (El). My Heart was Pricked a few years ago, when I saw the need of the people & the need of an unfinished hopeful dream (regarding the church building). As you can see, there is still a lot more that needs to be done!
Why not be a blessing; The blessing (if able) that you can, and ought to be!